Hair loss can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging.
Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it's more common in men. Hair loss for men is primarily caused by a combination of aging, a change in hormones, and a family history of baldness. As a rule, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become.
For women, some doctors estimate that one in five women will experience some degree of hair loss usually caused by aging, illness or hormonal changes after menopause.
Women tend to experience a subtle thinning all over the scalp rather than losing hair in patches as is common in men. To correct the problem, some women choose to wear a wig or hair extensions. Others have had some success using a topical prescriptive drug. The effectiveness of such drugs varies in some patients and simply prevents further hair loss without stimulating any appreciable new growth.
We offer 2 options for hair restoration:
PRP Hair Injections
The first is the most commonly heard of: Hair restoration with injectable Platelet Rich Plasma.
This is a three step procedure where your blood is drawn, placed in a centrifuge where your growth factors are extracted, and re-injected back into your scalp in the places hair regrowth is desired. It is very quick with no downtime and minimal discomfort. It is thought that PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft.
This option requires a series of treatments for optimal results. Results vary and results cannot be guaranteed
Series of 6 treatments
LaseMD Ultra with Keralase
Lutronic’s LaseMD Ultra prepare the skin for increased absorption by creating micro-columns of tissue in the epidermis and upper dermis of the scalp through a 5-10 minute treatment with little-to-no discomfort or downtime, allowing the product to penetrate much deeper than using the product alone.
Improvement in scalp health and an increase in the appearance of thicker, healthier hair may be visible within 3 months when following the treatment protocol as prescribed. Most patients see even more improvement over the next 2-4 months.
Men and women of all ages with thinning hair can benefit from KeraLase treatments.
Single Treatment:
Package of 6: